Sunday, August 30, 2009

P.S. (PreScript) There will be no particular sequence in this post. It'll be completely unorganized.

It's 3:49am and I just finished watching my most favourite movie for the second time. A Wednesday. The dialogue keeps taking rounds in my mind: THEY ASKED US THIS QUESTION ON A FRIDAY, REPEATED IT ON A TUESDAY, I AM JUST REPLYING ON A WEDNESDAY.

What a way to deal with terrorists..... I really wonder, can it really happen? Rather I wonder, should it happen? To put it explicitly, should there be a need for it to happen???

Religion, as per wikipedia's definition means an organized approach to human spirituality which usually encompasses a set of narratives, symbols, beliefs and practices, often with a supernatural or transcendent quality, that give meaning to the practitioner's experiences of life through reference to a higher power, God or gods, or ultimate truth.

The words that caught my attention are HUMAN, LIFE and TRUTH. To put the definition in a simple language instead of the jargons, we may say that Religion teaches one to live life truthfully and respect humanity and forms of life.

True, religion is a way to construction, not to destruction, as preached by the religious leaders and analysts, religions are different roads towards a common destination. I feel very sad to see Islam being connected to terrorism, few worms have successfully eaten up the faith in the world's second largest religion in terms of devotees. Where are we heading towards? How long shall we keep on generalizing the specified incidents? It may look awkward to someone seeing a non muslim writing about Islam, but I'm not deliberately writing anything, fingers are simply translating what I feel, I started off with an intension to write about inefficiency of administrative system to curb terrorism, but then thought, it's expressed better in the movie.

Few excerpts from wikipedia.

jihād is a noun meaning "struggle."
According to scholar John Esposito, Jihad requires Muslims to "struggle in the way of God" or "to struggle to improve one's self and/or society".
Jihad is directed against Satan's inducements.

And we see the same word being used by Satan. ('Satan' as a name for the Devil. Again from wikipedia). The only way to improve the scenario comes from fighting terrorism, irrespective of who is inducing it. Attack on WTC was terrorism, so was attack on innocent people of Iraq, where so many houses were looted, civilians were amputated, women were raped. Whatever was done with the devotees in Godhra was wrong, so were the reaction.

Massacre or a single stabbing, nothing can be justified, termination of any form of life on any scale is unacceptable. Ruthless killing is preached by no religion, and those preaching it should be treated as traitors and terminated.

Finally coming to the governmental aspects.

Is really our Police force on a par with terrorists, or even burglars when it comes to technology or weapons or alertness? Look at the fat policemen, I doubt, they can even run 200m comfortably. With these forces, it is too much demanding.

It is 4:39am now, and I'm leaving my room, heading towards Marina Beach (Chennai) to see the sun rise. Let us hope the same sun brings happiness, and more importantly, honesty and humanity to the humans.

Signing off.......

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Distribute Luck (Rather Share Luck)

A little bit of Mech Engg stuff.

Heat flows from high temperature to low temperature.

Fluid flows from high potential energy state to low potential energy state.

Thus nature always tries to bring an equilibrium.

We are lucky. Many people are not. So Luck should flow from us to them.



If you are reading this blog, you're lucky. I'm not blowing my trumpet, but I'm trying to make it clear that you being aware that something called blog exists, you being familiar to computer, you being able to understand English, you being able to read and write, you are LUCKY.

If you're still confused about you being lucky, or if you have qualms about not being Luckier, here's the explanation.

We all have studied well, we're doing well in our respective fields. Whom should the credits go to?

Our hardwork, dedication, motivation, intelligence (and so many more abstract nouns to follow)?

Or our luck?

I would say LUCK.

Had you been born in a slum? Would you ever have thought of blogging? Forget blogging, would you have been able to earn enough to make your two ends meet? Would you have studied more than 5 or 6 years of schooling???

All you could imagine, or dream would be a job on a construction site, a job of a helper on a tea stall or household servant.

I guess I've made my point clear. Since our parents were educated and self sufficient, we are what we are. Even the series of abstract nouns mentioned above also originates from here only. What if you had not been able to see the face of the school, you would be dumb.

And being born somewhere is purely a matter of luck. So lucky people, please share your luck. By luck I mean, the opportunities that you had got and many kids are not getting, the awareness that you had had, but the other kids are not having.

If you really want to see India shining, invest your energy in educating the kids in the right manner.

Once Hon. former president Dr APJ Abdul Kalaam had mentioned in a speech at Vallabh Vidyanagar (Gujarat) that the main asset of India is kids, the reason economic journals are shouting about India being the super power is the coming generation. He said that among all the potential countries in the world, India is the youngest when it comes to average age. So, we do have the power, what we need to do is to sharpen the edge.

Apparently, the future of the nation is kids. They have the strength to transform the whole country. Please spend your leisure time in educating the kids who do not get the exposure to the current academic scenario due to monetary or social reasons.

If you have the doubts about how you can start the ground work, please visit or Make a difference is the initiative started nationwide and Bhumi is a Chennai based NGO which is working on many socially relevant issues in and around Chennai.

Benevolence is a sky without horizon. There is so much of room. We just need to fit ourselves somewhere and start working for the upliftment of the country.

If you do some constructive work in this regard, I think it will be the best way to celebrate the Independence Day.

Wishing you all a very Happy Independence Day. Jai Hind.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Go Vegetarian

No, I'm not going to preach like hygiene freaks calculating your day to day calories' consumption and gain. I would rather like to take you on a less traveled path, a new terrain, which always tangentially touches you, but never penetrates within.

Man (and woman) is a social animal.
Man (and woman) is an animal.

Understand the difference between the two.
We are social. We are intelligent. We are sensitive.(!!!!!!!!)

Satisfaction cannot come out of agony. Joy cannot come out of pain. Food is meant to keep us alive. Food is our life, and life cannot come out of death.

How can we be so selfish to kill others and eat? How can you feel your stomach full when you've slaughtered someone for it? Why do we have slaughterhouses? The sympathy towards animals is missing. The respect towards the forms of life is missing. The realization of existence of life has become foggy.

Just close your eyes and imagine. A chicken being slaughtered by a butcher, imagine the pain, your hunger is so superior that a whole life has to be brought to an end to satisfy it even when vegetation is there? How can you be so cruel? Just sit and see the beauty of a dancing hen at the dawn. It is breathing. It is alive. It is beautiful. All forms of life are beautiful, because they are alive. You possess no right to kill them.

Practise this finest form of nonviolence and feel it. For that sake, even buying leather accessories is violence. Just for you to look trendy, you will go to the extent of killing some animal???

There was an email addressed to all the fellow students of IIT Madras by some student only. He had described the animals being slaughtered, the description could make any sensitive human being burst into tears. There was a confusion about leather shoes being mandatory for placement procedure, he had denied to follow the so called rule. (Thought of Mangal Pandey???)

People may abuse me in more ways than one, but I stand for my opinion, and this is what I had to convey. I hope my nonvegetarian friends will take this blog in right spirit and become vegetarian. Vegetarianism is above all the religions. It is a religion itself. It is nonviolence. It is an essential aspect of one's proud existence.